Dunwoody Springs Elementary 5th Grade


   We are starting a new unit in math called Multiplying and Dividing Parts of Wholes: Decimals.  In this unit, students will focus on multiplying and dividing decimals.  They will use models, mental math and computational methods to develope this mathematical skill.  Students will also utilize their knowledge of estimation to estimate products and quotients.  This work can be challeging to students.  This duration of this unit is 25 days.

These are the standarda we will cover:
M5N2.b: Analyze the effect on the product when a number is multiplied by 10, 100, 1000, 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001

M5N3.a:  Model multiplication and division of decimals

M5N3.b:  Explain the process of multiplication and division, including situations in which the multiplier and divisor are both whole numbers and decimals

M5N3.c:  Multiply and divide with decimals including decimals less than one and greater than one

M5N3.d:  Understand the relationships and rules for multiplication and division of whole numbers also apply to decimals

dividend    divisor    decimal    equivalent    hundreths    quotient    tenths    thousandths

updated by Ms. Smith